DHCP discovery ingnored by servers
I asked a question about the DHCP protocol ("Which part of the protocol do I not understand") and was given a comment indicating that at least one of the close voters hadn't read the question, along with the explanation that this group is for "professionally managed networks in a business environment."
Well, I professionally manage a network in a business environment, and I have a question. It appears to be similar to other DHCP questions accepted by this group:
Why do DHCP servers lease IP address based on Option-61 (Client-ID)?
Can/Should a DHCP server send a DHCPDISCOVER message?
Random DHCP clients do not accept Cisco Catalyst DHCP server's offer
The network is under my control, I have paid support for some of my network hardware (but not for my test environment). I have (multiple) DHCP servers: I have a production problem (clients not registering).
I understand that I may have to provide additional information. I understand that if nobody here knows the answer, I will have to go elsewhere.
But this is farcical: I'm to go to server fault because network engineering won't answer questions about network engineering?
If you don't want to read network engineering questions, the least you can do is to add meaningful close reasons and avoid unhelpful comments