I’m Kurtis, senior product designer at Stack Exchange. First, I wanted to congratulate you because this site is now starting the process of moving out of beta to become a fully-graduated site! Well done!
Graduation and Your Site Design
Graduation comes with a few perks. We have already started your site's design, which will be a reflection of the site's subject and culture. This will help brand your site as unique, even while you share common elements with other sites as part a bigger Stack Exchange family.
Once the design goes up, you will receive a link in the footer of other sites in the network, along with the ability to migrate content to and from other sites — and the notoriety of a public launch that says, "Congratulations, you finally made it!"
Design Concept
For the design concept we wanted to create a geometric and mechanical feel and pulled abstract patterns from network charts.
Color scheme
The color scheme was inspired by common wire colors. We wanted it to feel technical with just a touch of uniqueness.
Engineering complex networks is a task — We know things can get complicated, and network engineers are brilliant at taking that chaos and creating order from it. We wanted to create a logo that reflected this. The connections within the logo also represent the connections the community makes with each other. The favicon/site icon takes elements from the more complex wordmark but simplifies them.
Stickers / coffee mug / t-shirt / flashlight & screwdriver combo keychain
Overall site design
Click image to view full-sized version.
After we receive and implement the community's feedback, we're just a few steps from finalizing all of the assets and publishing your new design!
Updates 06/05/2015
Thank you all for your feedback. We've heard your concerns with the first iteration of the design and have made some updates to the logo, color scheme, background pattern, and font.
For the logo, we decided to take the symbol for router and make that the main symbol. We also decided to adjust the background pattern based on the graphic you shared and toned down the colors. We will selectively integrate some monospace fonts in the final site.