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Off-topic confusion

the off-topic reason changed to it not being "about professionally managed networks in a business environment. " As I explained, that is not the reason. Yes, questions about a telephone network are ...
Ron Maupin's user avatar
  • 101k
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I have a question about *engineering* the *network* device. Where can I ask the question if not in here?

Was hoping to reply to this earlier, but this is the first chance I have had to finish my answer (so I apologize for what may now overlap Ron's answer as well). Please consider that part of the ...
YLearn's user avatar
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I have a question about *engineering* the *network* device. Where can I ask the question if not in here?

To be clear, 'network engineering' typically is about designing and configuring networks, not building network devices. Your question is mostly focused on server design/configuration and programming. ...
Teun Vink's user avatar
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I have a question about *engineering* the *network* device. Where can I ask the question if not in here?

It is not that I am having a bad day. The decision on what is on- or off-topic here is a community decision. An off-topic question is placed On Hold for a few days to give the author a chance to try ...
Ron Maupin's user avatar
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Network Engineering is not a welcoming place

For what it's worth I think Ron does a great job keeping the signal-to-noise ratio managed. The reason you see so many closed questions is that there is a lot of noise - a seemingly never-ending ...
rnxrx's user avatar
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Issue with an abbreviation RDT that affects close reasons for questions

First, this is about providing accurate close reasons for questions, that are most likely off-topic anyways. There are only a few close reasons: What do you think should be the close reason for any ...
Ron Maupin's user avatar
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Network Engineering is not a welcoming place

I would like it if we could move questions to more-relevant Stack Exchanges as an alternative to closing them. I think that might help with user frustration. AFAIK Super User is a good section for ...
Jeff Wheeler's user avatar
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Network Engineering is not a welcoming place

If you go to the main page of Network Engineering the majority of the questions are always closed as off-topic. That is because they are off-topic. Should we just ignore the site rules? It was ...
Ron Maupin's user avatar
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What SE community to ask non-professional Networking Engineering questions?

So what SE community should I go to for Networking Engineering questions that don't pertain to "Professionally Managed Networks"? As explained in the comment, Super User is the place to ask ...
Ron Maupin's user avatar
  • 101k
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please reopen question about network packet analysis

This wasn't a question of "how to find certain kinds of packets". UDP is connectionless, so there's no specific type of packet to look for. The "initial" packet is simply the first one you see, and ...
Ricky's user avatar
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