Last month, we crossed a big site milestone: 5000 visitors/day.  In case you haven't noticed, that came with a non-trivial increase in questions (they increased by almost 50% since a few months ago).  However, many of these questions are too broad or not *[on-topic]*.  In other words, those questions are ripe for closure.


 - Why do we close questions?
 - Is closing a question the same as deleting it?
 - Who can vote to close a question?
 - Can anyone vote to close/reopen?
 - How are moderators different?
 - Can I moderate the site?
 - How do I vote to close?
 - How do I vote to reopen?
 - I changed my mind about close voting.  Can I retract my vote?
 - This question should not be closed.  What can I do?
 - Should I worry about retribution if I vote to close?
 - How can I find other questions that might need to be closed?
