Edit: Sorry that I got sore about this. I guess I was having a bad day and vented here. I'm over it!
It is so frustrating that even after well more than a year learning from and trying to help others on this site, important questions that I seek answers to get closed (https://networkengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/29792/public-ipv4-ips-from-isp). I come here for help because I am the sole network admin/network engineer/light bulb changer at my company and I have no other mentors in my professional life - you guys are it. It's as if I've walked down the hall to my mentor's office and asked him a question only to hear "That question is not appropriate, I will not give you an answer because you asked it the wrong way."
And why was this question closed? Because I mentioned pricing? My question was 1. About operating and purchasing an enterprise network which is 2. under my direct control and does not appear to me to meet any of the off-topic bullets listed.